Surgical procedures
The following are a few of the common procedures we offer. At your pre-operative visit Dr Botha will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your eyes, lids and orbit as well as consider your medical history to determine the most appropriate approach in your situation
Cataracts are a common condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. This leads to blurred vision and glare and can dramatically impact vision and quality of life. Cataracts usually affect both eyes, but one eye may be affected more than the other.
A pterygium is a common eye condition characterized by the growth of a white or pinkish tissue on the front surface of the eye. It may gradually grow causing irritation, redness and discomfort. It may also interfere with your vision. They are commonly associated with sun exposure.
Lid lumps and bumps
Lumps and bumps commonly occur around the eyelids. These are most often benign, or non-cancerous. However occasionally they may represent something more sinister such as a skin cancer.
Skin cancer
Lesions that develop around the eyelid skin may represent a skin cancer. The most common skin cancer found around the eyelids is a basal cell carcinoma, but other skin cancers such as squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas may also occur.
Ectropion is a condition where the lower eyelid turns outward, away from the eye. This can cause irritation, tearing, redness, and sensitivity to light. Ectropion can affect one or both eyes and is typically associated with aging or scarring.
Entropion is a condition where the lower eyelid turns inward, with the eyelashes scratching against the eye. This can cause irritation, tearing, redness, and sensitivity to light. Entropion can affect one or both eyes and is typically associated with aging or scarring.
The punctum is a small opening in the eyelid that allows tears to drain into the tear ducts and nose. A punctoplasty is a minor surgical procedure to treat a blockage of the tear duct by widening the punctum, reducing symptoms of excessive tearing.
Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Surgery. This is a surgical procedure to treat a blockage of the nasolacrimal duct (tear duct). Blockage may result in excessive tearing or infection with swelling around the eyelid.
Ptosis, also known as "droopy eyelid," is a condition where the upper eyelid droops or sags, partially covering the eye. This can affect one or both eyes and may impact vision, appearance, and self-confidence.
Dermatochalasis is the medical term for excess skin of the upper eyelid. This is commonly referred to as hooding of the eyelids. If severe this may affect your field of vision.
This condition may occur in association with ptosis or droopy upper eyelids.